
Working with the Tasks Collection

The First in a Series of Short Notes About Using Project VBA

The tasks collection is simply a collection of all the tasks in a project. It is the starting point for most Visual Basic programming exercises so it is important to know how to use it. The first thing is in how to set it. This is done using the Set keyword.
Typically one sets a collection to all the tasks in the project, but it is possible to set it to some other task collection.

Here is an example of setting it to the tasks in the active project:

Dim ts as Tasks
Set ts = ActiveProject.Tasks

Another useful trick is to filter the project first and then set the task collection to the set of filtered tasks:

Set ts = ActiveSelection.Tasks

Once we have the task collection we can go through it in a number of ways. If we want a specific task we can ask for it by index. For example if we want the first task the code would be:

Dim t as task
Set t = ts(1)

Quite often we want to do something to all tasks in the project. In that case we would set the task collection as above and then loop through it using a for..next structure:

For Each t in ts
t.Text5 = "Foo"
Next t

This approach works until you hit a blank line in the project. In the case of the blank line the task is what Project refers to as "Nothing". You can do nothing with Nothing, so setting the Text5 value for Nothing will give you an error. Luckily you can check to see if a task is Nothing and therefore skip doing anything that would cause an error and stop your code. To do this we add a simple If statement:

For Each t in ts
If not t is Nothing then
t.Text5 = "Foo"
End If
Next t

We can do a similar thing to ignore summary tasks. You might want to do this when altering a value like duration which is not something that you can edit directly for a summary task. I use something like this:

If not t.Summary Then
'do stuff
End If

Putting it all together we have this generic structure to loop through all tasks in a project:

Dim ts as Tasks
Dim t as Task
Set ts = ActiveProject.Tasks
For Each t in ts
If Not t is Nothing Then
If Not t.Summary Then
'do something
End If
End If
Next t

By putting your code in the middle of this structure (where it says "do something" you can be sure it will be applied to all the regular tasks in the project and won't generate an error when it hits a blank line.

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